Madras Youth Choir conducted the 6th Inter School Choral Music competition in Vidhyodaya School auditorium on the 18th of Nov. This year saw a record participation of 20 schools with 485 students participating. G K Shetty Vivekananda Vidyalaya won the first prize followed by Padma Seshadri KK Nagar and Lalaji Memorial Omega International school in the third place.We had an esteemed panel of judges, Veenai Parthasarathy, Suresh of Charasur and Jayanthi Ramesh who expressed happiness in the overall quality of singing and pointed out certain areas which need to be focused as part of the learning process.
Enthusiasm, excitement and the joy of singing together was evident as the students sang songs on National integration, Unity, Patriotism and Human Values, in this genre of music, keeping in line with our motto, “Come, Let’s Sing Together ‘
Madras Youth Choir (MYC) was formed in 1971 by Late Shri M B Srinivasan, considered as one of the pioneers of Indian Choral Music. The goals of the choir include popularizing Indian choral music and the idea of singing together, spreading it to the masses and particularly training children in youth in this incredible genre of music.